Details required for assessment and timely declaration of PLB for the year 2020-21: EPFO

Forwarding of details required for assessment and timely declaration of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) for the year 2020-21: EPFO
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi 110066
No: WSU/25(1)/2018-19/PLB/1938
Date: 30.09.2021
06 OCT 2021
All Addl. Central P.F. Commissioners (Zones)
All Regional PF Commissioner-Incharge of Regions
Sub: Forwarding of details required for assessment and timely declaration of Productivity Linked Bonus for the year 2020-21.
Please refer to the subject cited above.
The work relating to the assessment of Productivity Linked Bonus for the year 2020- 21 has been taken up. The Productive Linked Bonus (PLB) for the employees of EPFO is assessed on the basis of the productivity achieved and manpower used in respect of field offices separately. For Head Office (including PDUNASS), it is worked out based on average of All India Productivity and Manpower. Information relating to parameters and performance as per the Scheme is to be furnished in the Annexure A to C (copies enclosed).
- The time-limit of 20 days (calendar days) has been notified for settlement of PF, EPS & EDU claims, transfer including advances cases. In case, the job is not completed within 20 days, weightage would be reduced for the work done beyond 20 days. Date of receipt of claim form (complete in all respects) and the date of dispatch of cheque/transfer through NEFT would be taken into account for reckoning 20 calendar days.
- As regards issue of “Annual Statement of Accounts”, it has been classified into two groups, Viz. (1) current year’s Accounts slips issued and (2) Previous year’s Accounts slips issued during the current year. Accounts slips relating to the “current Year” and those pertaining to previous years but issued during the current year should be shown separately.
- The activities of “Enforcement & Damages” include:
- No. of 7A notices issued.
- No. of Speaking Orders of 7A passed and compliance effected.
- No. of Speaking Orders passed for Levy of Damages.
- No. of Recovery Certificates Executed:-
- For default in all the five Accounts (A/c No. 1,2,10,21 & 22)
- For default in 3 or 4 of the five Accounts.
- For default in 1or 2 of the five Accounts.
5. Only one notice has to be taken into account for all the three Schemes. In case three separate notices are issued for the three Schemes, it has to be taken as one only. Further, only the initial notice issued has to be taken into account and not the notices issued every time after adjournment of proceedings due to any reason. With the amendment of Section 7A, the RPFCs are required to decide not only the quantum of dues but also to decide the Applicability. In such cases also if more than one notices are issued, it should be taken as one only for the purpose of PLB return.
6. Against this item all the speaking orders passed under Section 7A should not be shown. Only those orders passed, which have been complied with, should be shown. However, instructions contained in the preceding para as “7A Notices” should also be kept in view.
7. All the speaking orders passed for levy of Damages may be shown against this item. However, if separate orders are passed for all the three schemes, only one order should be taken into account for the purpose of Bonus return.
8. Only those Recovery Certificates, which have been duly executed and not merely issued, should only be shown against this item. This item has been classified into three categories namely: –
i. For default in all the five Accounts (Bank A/c Nos. 1,2, 10, 21 & 22)
ii. For default in 3 or 4 of the five Accounts.
iii. For default in 1or 2 of the five Accounts.
Hence, information may be furnished separately against the three categories.
9. The number of Prosecutions launched against the defaulting establishments I employers under Section 14 of the Act and Section 406/409IPC has to be indicated against the relevant item under this head.
10. Manpower in position as on 31st August 2020 all over the region has to be furnished. The manpower reckoned for the purpose of assessment of PLB shall be as follows :
(1) Accounts & Cash – LDCs, DPAs/DEOs, SSAs & Sr. SSAs posted in different Sections/Groups connected with the work of Accounts and Cash.
(2) Enforcement & Damages – LDCs, SSAs & Sr. SSAs deployed in any of the Sections/Group connected with the work of Enforcement and Damages.
(3) Inspection – All Enforcement Officers in position in whole of the Region.
(4) Administration – LDCs, SSAs & Sr. SSAs in position in all Sections other than those mentioned in (1), (2) and (3) above.
Detailed information of various sections/staff coming under all the above four heads is given in Annexure-C. All the Regional offices may forward the consolidated information in respect of the Region.
11. The information relating to Staff in position in respect of the Zone as on 31.08.2020 has to be furnished in Annexure-B.
12. It is requested that the aforesaid information in Annexure-A to C may be furnished immediately. n any case the information should reach the Head Office on or before 08 October, 2021 at [email protected].
13. All the ROs may furnish their data to their respective Zonal Offices and subsequently ACC (Zones) after compilation of the same, may forward the same to Head Office.
Encl: – As above.
Yours faithfully,
(M. M Ashraf)
Annexure ‘A’
Sl. No. | Particulars | Period 2020-2021 (from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021) |
*Within 20 days | *Beyond 20 days | Total | ||
1 | No. of PF claims settled (Except death cases) | |||
2 | No. of PF claims (Death cases settled) | |||
3 | No. of PPOs issued (Monthly Family Pension Claims and the Monthly Pension claims under the EPS 1995) | |||
4 | No. of Family Pension claims (Retirement. Withdrawals and Refunds including cases settled under the EPS 1995) | |||
5 | No. of EDLI claims settled | |||
6 | No. of advances sanctioned | |||
7 | No. of Accounts transferred out (involving actual transfer of PF accumulations) | |||
8 | No. of Accounts transferred out (not involving actual transfer of PF accumulations) | |||
*Days imply Calender days | ||||
Current Year’s | Previous Year’s | Total | ||
9(a) | Total No. of Annual Statement of Accounts issued | |||
9(b) | Out of (a) above. No. of Accounts slips issued with the help of outside agencies | |||
9(c) | Out of (a) above, No. of Accounts slips issued on the Computer in the EPFO | |||
within 7 working days it falls due for payment | Beyond 7 working days but within 30 days it falls due for payment | Beyond 20 days | ||
10 | No. of cheques/payments relating to Monthly Family Pension (including issued under the EPS 1995) | |||
1 | No. of 7A notices issued | |||
2 | No. of speaking orders of 7A passed and compliance effected | |||
3 | No. of speaking orders passed for levy of Damages | |||
4 | No. of Revenue Recovery Certificate executed | |||
(a) | For default in all the five Accounts (1, 2, 10, 21 & 22) | |||
(b) | for default in 3 or 4 of the five Accounts | |||
(c) | for default in 1 or 2 of the five Accounts | |||
Total of (a), (b) & (c) | ||||
III | Inspection and Coverage. | |||
1 | No. of Inspections of unexempted estts. | |||
2 | No. of Inspections of exempted estts. | |||
3 | No. of Surveys of Uncovered esstts. For the purpose of Coverage. | |||
4 | No. of court cases launched under Section 14. | |||
5 | Prosecution cases launched under Section 406/409 | |||
Overtime Payment including payment under incentive Scheme in Rs. To dealing hands (LDCs, SSAs and Sr SSAs) | ||||
1 | Accounts/Cash/DCB | |||
2 | Enforcement/Damages |
Annexure ‘B’
SI. No | Section | LDCs | SSAs | DEO/ DPAs | Sr. SSAs | EOs | AOs | Total |
1 | Accounts/DCB/Cash | |||||||
2 | Enforcement & Damages | |||||||
3 | Inspection | |||||||
4 | Administration | |||||||
Total |
N.B.: For detailed information of Sections/Staff coming under the Four Wings, please refer to Annexure ‘C’.
( )
Signature of RPFC-I/OIC
Annexure ‘C’
Detailed information of sanctions/staff under the four Wings (i.e. Accounts and Cash, Enforcement & Damages, Inspection, Coverage and Administration)
I Accounts & Cash
The staff in position in Accounts and Cash will include the staff posted in the following sections:
(a) All Accounts Groups
(b) D.C. B
(c) G.A.B.
(d) Family Pension
(e) EDLI
(f) P.P.O.
(g) All Cash Section
(h) EDP Cell
(i) Public Grievances/PRO Cell
(j) Claim Inward Section
(k) Dispatch Section
(l) Interest Calculation Cell
(m) Service Centres
(n) Any other Section/Staff performing the work connected with Accounts and Cash.
II Enforcement & Damages
The staff in position in Enforcement and Damages include the staff posted in the following sections:
(a) All Enforcement Sections
(b) Coverage/Applicability
(c) Exemption
(d) Damages
(e) Legal Cell
(f) Recovery
(g) 7A/14B Cell
(h) Clerks (LDCs/SSAs) posted ni Inspectorates
(i) Any other staff/section deployed for the work connected with (a) to (h) above.
III Inspection/Coverage
All Enforcement Officers/PFI (Gr-I) in position in which of the Region (whether posted in RO. SRO. Inspectorate or any other office).
IV Administration
(a) All Establishment/ Administration Sections
(b) House Keeping/Caretaker
(c) Pay Bill/Staff Payments Section/Cashier
(d) Co-ordination Cell
(e) Statistics Cell
(f) Hindi Section
(g) Record Section
(h) Personal Staff of RC
(i) Pre Audit Cell
(j) Any other section/staff (LDC/SSAs) and SSA anywhere in the four wings.
N.B.: The list is an illustrative one and not exhaustive. If any staff is posted in any other section which is not included in any of the aforesaid lists, those staff may be included in the staff strength of relevant wings.
Source: EPFO