Delayed Promotion of Master Craftsman in EME under MoD – Request for Intervention: BPMS

Delayed Promotion of Master Craftsman in EME under MoD – Request for Intervention: BPMS Reminder order dated 29.05.2023
भारतीय प्रतिरक्षा मजदूर संघ
Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh
REF: BPMS / MOD / EME / Promotion / 79 (7/3/R)
Dated: 29.05.2023
The Secretary,
Govt of India, Min of Defence,
Deptt of Defence,
South Block, New Delhi — 110011
Subject: Request for Intervention Regarding Delayed Promotion of Master Craftsman in EME under MoD.
Dear Sir,
I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of great concern for the employees of the Master Craftsman category in the Electronics and Mechanical Engineers (EME) under the Ministry of Defence (MoD).
We, the Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh (BPMS), have previously addressed this matter through our letter No. BPMS/MOD/EME/Promotion/79(7/3/R), dated December 27, 2022 (copy enclosed). In that communication, we requested the framing of Recruitment Rules for the Master Craftsman category in EME under the MoD. It is disheartening to note that despite the passage of several years, eligible incumbents have not been granted promotions since June 14, 2010.
The prolonged delay in addressing this issue has had a severe impact on the morale and financial well-being of the affected employees. We believe that the non-promotion of deserving candidates not only hampers their career progression but also undermines their motivation and dedication to their work.
In light of the aforementioned concerns, I kindly request your urgent intervention in this matter. I urge you to take immediate action to expedite the finalization of Recruitment Rules for the Master Craftsman category in EME under the MoD. By doing so, you will ensure that promotions are granted to eligible incumbents in a timely manner, alleviating their financial burden and restoring their faith in the system.
This was emphasized even at the level of the Prime Minister as it would be seen from the DOPT OM No.23036/3/77-Esttb.(D) dated 07.10.1977, the relevant portion of which is extracted below:-
“The Prime Minister has noted that in a number of cases appointments are made adhoc either because Recruitment Rules have not been finalized or there has been delay in the filling up of the posts in a regular manner. The Prime Minister has, therefore, desired that Ministries/Departments Should take action to fill up the posts in good time before vacancies actually occur in order to avoid adhoc appointment. In case where there is unjustifiable delay, responsibility for the delay should be assigned and those responsible should be suitably dealt with it.”
I also request that you identify and address any unjustifiable delays that have hindered the process thus far. Holding responsible individuals accountable for any unnecessary delays will serve as a reminder that adherence to established protocols is crucial in maintaining an efficient and just system.
Your prompt attention to this matter will go a long way in restoring the morale and motivation of the affected employees and fostering a conducive work environment.
Thank you for your understanding and anticipated action. I look forward to a positive resolution to this long-standing issue.
Sincerely yours
Enclosed: As mentioned
General Secretary/BPMS &
Member, JCM-II Level Council (MOD)
Source: BPMS