DA eligibility with effect from 1st Jan-2011

Press Information Bureau (PIB) has announced the All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of  December, 2010 increased by 3 points and stood at 185.

As a result, we can calculate the Dearness Allowance applicable to Central Government Employees with effect from Jan-2011.

How to calculate DA with effect from Jan-2011?

DA w.e.f Jan-2011=(Avg of AICPI from Jan 10 to Dec 10 – 115.76)*100/115.76

The following GConnect online DA estimating tool would calculate DA for you. You could find that the CPI index from Jan-2010 to Nov-2010 has been already filled up against relevant month. Now, you have to enter the CPI index of 185 in the field for the month of Dec-2010 and click the button "Calculate DA Jan-11".  That's it. The result field gives you the DA rate of 51% that is applicable with effect from January 2011.

So, we can expect that the existing Dearness Allowance Rate of 45% will increase to 51% from 1st January 2011, which is an increase of 6%.

GConnect DA Calculator:

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  1. Employees are expected to get higher allowances like hra cca etc., as per 6cpc recs as the DA is likely to cross 50%. As the 6cpc recs was silent on these aspects w.r.t. pensioners, naturally the pensioners lot is expecting the govt:s reaction as to the benefits to them consequent to DA crossing the 50% mark.

  2. the CPI Iw for the month of December is overall surprising in the sense that the commodity rates were at its peak in the month of December but the figure shows an increase of three points only. if it would have been 186, the calculation would be 52.038 instead of 51.96617 at present. one point drop has resulted in one % drop in inflation.

  3. It is justified if the DA upto 50% is merged with the Basic Pension for calculating the future increase in DA

  4. the 6th pay commission cheated the central govt employees with the recommendations that the allowances will be increased by 25%(limited to a few)
    on crossing of DA by 50%. Earlier, while crossing 50% , the DA should be merged with basic pay. now because of only 25% increase in limited allowances , there would be a huge erosion in course of time on the pay & allces. of the CG employees . hence we must pressure for either next pay commission or a permanent wage review body in the interval of 5 years , as in the case of public sector undertakings. That should be from 1.1.2011 ie . after 5 years from 1.1.2006. otherwise all would till the next pay commission is formed… reviewed… announced …. ordered….. and effected after 15 years from 1.1.06.
    The matter is not a joke … it is a sharp reality. all must think .

    1. Yes, Mr. Ramaurthy. Your opinion is true. All the Central and State Employees should fight for it. It has already been discussed by the AIGSEF and written in their organ “Employees Forum”. Thank you for your kind observations.

  5. Sir,I must pay due regards for this bold n honest opinion of Mr.Ramamurthy.Its true tht time has come to re-think his proposal/suggestions.Govt.should pay attention to this aspects imm.
    But all in vain  Mr.Murthy there is no imm parliamentary election in India.

    Thanks & Regards Mr.R. Murthy 

  6. It may be mukesh ambani is providing the bousehold food articles for Prnab mukerjee who knows little about the fluctuating market conditions. The tragedy is agri ministry is least concerned about the vegetable and cereals production as also milk and products. The minister is always on foreign jaunt and the pm is mortally afraid of questioning his conduct; If this is the state of affairs, no finance ministry can contain the price rise of essential food articles and will continue to cheat the public with bogus statistics which is well known for

  7. With increase of 6% DA, from 1st Jan 2011, total DA becomes 51%. As per pay commission recommendations , 50% DA should be merged with Basic Pay. Whether it will be implemented w.e.f. 1st Jan 2011 automatically or require some Govt order and get delayed implementation.

    1. Dear Misra, You see, the 6 cpc has not given any recomendation to that effect. It is our resposibility to act immediately to press the Governments to take necessary steps to mere theDA with pay . otherwise not possible. We have to STRUGGLE

  8. sir, again and again my request is DA is given for increaased in cost of articles and as such they may be exempted from IT as per 5th CPC recommendation
    thank you,yours sincerely,v.padmanabhan,TO ,(VCRC) ,Pondicherry

  9. My question is about HBA. Those who have availed HBA from office and if the total cost of construction is below 20 lakhs, are they eligible for 1% rebate announced by the FM in the budget?

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