Bringing eHRMS2.0 under the ambit of the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) – Karmayogi Bharat: DOPT

Bringing eHRMS2.0 under the ambit of the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) – Karmayogi Bharat: DOPT OM dated 07.12.2023
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 7th December, 2023
Sub: Bringing eHRMS2.0 under the ambit of the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)-— Karmayogi Bharat
In the 9th Meeting of Board of Directors of Karmayogi Bharat dated 24th Jul 2023, the requirement of integration of the iGOT and eHRMS2.0 has been emphasised. CEO, Karmayogi Bharat vide DO No. CEO/ Karmayogi /2023/3011-01 dated 30th November 2023 has also sought necessary approvals for bringing eHRMS under the operational supervision of SPV — Karmayogi Bharat and its implementation.
2. Background:
The National Training Policy emphasises the crucial role of capacity building of Civil Services and marks a significant shift in competency driven training & HR Management of officials by transitioning from a rule based system to the role based system.
Competency Framework, Digital Learning Framework (iGOT-Karmayogi) and the electronic Human Resource Management System are three of the six key pillars of the National Program for Civil Services Capacity Building (NPCSCB) — Mission Karmayogi.
eHRMS2.0 is an e-governance platform that envisions to cover the entire life cycle of an employee’s service such as training, promotion, deputation, transfer, superannuation, resignation etc, integrating various related platforms such as iGOT, Sparrow, PFMS, Bhavishya, Probity etc and facilitating the uptake of entitlements & benefits by the employee in a seamless & transparent manner.
iGOT-Karmayogi envisages the implementation of a competency framework as per the FRACs (Framework for Roles, Activities and Competencies including skills) model for employees, Role & Competency mapping, creation, management and improvement of content for competency enhancement & its delivery to employees.
Karmayogi Bharat was set up as a 100% Government owned company under Section 8 of the Companies Act. 2013 as laid out in OM No. F.No.16017/16/2020-iGOT dated 21st January 2022 for owning, managing, maintaining and improving the digital assets, i.e., iGOT-Karmayogi including the IPR of all software, content, process etc.
Competency enhancement is directly related to the career progression of an employee which is tracked in eHRMS2.0. Hence, iGOT-Karmayogi needs to be completely and seamlessly coupled with eHRMS so that overall personnel management is enabled with real time data powered by AI for critical decision making leading to a more productive and efficient work force.
3. Given the synergies across the two digital initiatives, the undersigned is directed to state the in-principle approval for bringing eHRMS2.0 under the ambit of the SPV – Karmayogi Bharat for further development, operations and management and improvement of eHRMS2.0 platform. The SPV shall work towards enhancing e-HRMS2.0 as a digital end to end Human Resource Management System for government employees that improves transparency and decision making in personnel matters.
4. DoPT, to notify its eHRMS team, headed by JS(DoPT), that shall be responsible for providing overall policy, design, financial and operational guidance to the SPV for ensuring envisaged outcomes.
5. CEO, Karmayogi Bharat shall establish a technical and managerial team and work out the financial and operational details so that eHRMS2.0 may seamlessly operate with iGOT and deep coupling between the two platforms is established.
6. This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(Yashu Rustagi)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Tele: 23094470
Source: DOPT