Allotment of General Pool Residential Accommodation to the employees of State/Union Territories Governments posted in Delhi

Allotment of General Pool Residential Accommodation to the employees of State/Union Territories Governments posted in Delhi: Directorate of Estates OM dated 22.09.2023
Government of India
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Directorate of Estates
Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi – 110108
Dated the 22th September, 2023
Subject: Allotment of General Pool Residential Accommodation to the employees of State/Union Territories Governments posted in Delhi.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this office OM No. 12016/1/2004-Pol II(Vol II) dated 21.12.2018 on the above mentioned subject and to state that this office has reviewed para 1 (xiv) of the OM in view of increased demand for accommodation under this category. It has been decided that the allotment of houses to the employees of State/UT Governments shall now be done through the Automated System of Allotment (ASA) only, after receipt of Sanction letter from CDN-I Section.
2. The allotment of accommodation to these officers shall be determined subject to the conditions laid out vide DoE’s OM dated 21.12.2018, as under:
- For the officers of All India Services, allotment shall be governed as per Rule 28 of CGGPRA Rules, 2017.
- For the officers of Non-All India Services, allotment shall be governed as per Rule 29 of CGGPRA Rules, 2017.
3. The other terms and conditions of the OM dated 21.12.2018 will remain unchanged.
(Lokesh Chandra Singh)
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)
Tel No. 23062505
1. All Officers/Sections of the Directorate of Estates.
2. All Resident Commissioners of State Governments/Union Territories in Delhi.
3. Chief Secretaries of States/UTs