Updation of Manual on Procurement of Goods, Service, Works and Consultancy – EPFO Circular

Updation of Manual on Procurement of Goods, Service, Works and Consultancy – EPFO Circular dated 08.12.2022
(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India)
Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi – 110 066.
No: PDU/1(6)2019/27
Dated: 08-12-2022
Subject: Updation of Manual on Procurement of Goods, Service, Works and Consultancy, etc. — reg.
CVC vide OM No.022/VGL/032 dated 11/07/2022 has informed that all earlier guidelines on public procurement have been withdrawn and that updated Manuals on procurement have been issued by the Department of Expenditure after taking into consideration the guidelines issued by the CVC.
These guidelines are to be strictly complied with by all concerned when dealing with all procurement related issues. All organisations including EPFO are required to update/align their procurement guidelines/processes in line with these updated Manuals. These updated Manuals are available in the link given below:
https ://doe.gov.in
As EPFO has no separate manuals for procurement of Goods, Services, Works & Consultancy etc and such procurement in EPFO is presently based on the provisions of GFR, CPWD manuals & CVC guidelines as issued from time to time & procurement/works.
The competent authority has directed to place these three updated Manuals on the EPFO website with instructions for compliance by all.
Accordingly these updated Manuals. on procurement issued by the Department of Expenditure have been placed on EPFO website (url-https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_en/Acts&Manuals.php#Administration (Downloads>>Acts & Manuals>>Administration)) and it is requested that the instructions IN these Manuals are followed scrupulously.
(Salil Sankar)
Regional PF Commissioner-I (PDU)
i) All Zonal Heads/Director PDNASS/ACC (ASD)
ii) All RPFCs (Regional Offices)
Copy to:
i) OSD to CPFC
ii) PS to CVO/FA&CAO/All ACC (HQ
iii)Hindi Cell for translation
iv) Guard file.
Source: EPFO