Rates of Honorarium for conduct of Direct Recruitment examination to the posts of SSA and Stenographer in 2023

Rates of Honorarium for conduct of Direct Recruitment examination to the posts of SSA and Stenographer in 2023

Rates of Honorarium for conduct of Direct Recruitment examination to the posts of Social Security Assistant (SSA) and Stenographer in 2023: EPFO

Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066

File No. EXAM-10(1)2023 -74

Date: 14.12.2023


All Addl. CPFC (HQ)/ACC (Zones)
Including Addl. CPFC (ASD), HO
All RPFCs-in-charge of the Regions
Director (PDNASS)

Subject: – Rates of Honorarium for conduct of Direct Recruitment examination to the posts of Social Security Assistant (SSA) and Stenographer in 2023 -regarding.


The Central Provident Fund Commissioner has approved the following rates of Honorarium for payment to the Officers/Staff who were deputed for Direct Recruitment Examinations to the posts of Social Security Assistant (SSA) and Stenographer in 2023.

Sl. No. Category Rates for One Session Rates for Two Sessions
1. Special Observer 1800/- 2300/-
2. Observer 1500/- 2000/-

2. The payment should be made to only those Officers/Staff wno were deputed for above mentioned examination work.

3. A confirmation in this regard may be furnished by 31.12.2023 to Head Office at e-mail rpfc.exam[at]epfindia.gov.in through concerned Addl. Central PF Commissioner.

Yours faithfully,

(Upendra Pratap Singh)
Regional P F Commissioner – I (Exam)

Copy to:
1. OSD to CPFC
2. FA& CAO
3. Director (Audit)
4. Assistant Director (OL) — for Hindi Version
5. RPFC (NDC) for uploading the same on EPFO website.
6. Guard File

Source: EPFO

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