Launch of “Budget Control Register” in EPFO
Launch of “Budget Control Register” in EPFO – Instruction Manual and Step by Step Guide: EPFO Order dated 25.03.2022
ईपीएफओ, मुख्य कार्यालय
श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
भविष्य निधि भवन, 14, भीकाजी कामा प्लेस, नई दिल्ली 110066
No. :- Budget/Budget Control Register/2020/6364
Date: 03/2022
25 MAR 2022
The ACC (HQ)-Zonal Offices/Director (PDNASS)/
ACC -Zonal Offices / Chief Engineer (HO) / ACC (ASD) / ACC (HRM) /
ACC (HRD) / ACC (IS) / ACC (Publicity)
Subject: Launch of “Budget Control Register” in EPFO- regarding.
In order to consolidate the administrative expenditure on a Central Software and to digitally capture the transactions in administrative account on real-time basis, an in-house Budget Control Software — “Budget Control Register” (BCR) has been developed. The BCR is being made effective from financial year 2022-23. The BE for 2022-23 will be released only through BCR.
2. In this regard, an ‘Instruction Manual’ and ‘Step by Step Guide” for “Budget Control Register Module,” is prepared and enclosed herewith for ready reference. The Manual is to be referred while operating the BCR.
3. The “Budget Control Register”, Module has three parts:
A. Budget Upload: To be used by the concerned Division at Head office level, to upload and disburse budget i.e. Budget Estimate (BE)/Revised Estimate (RE)/Additional Budget to Zonal Offices, ASD-HO and NATRSS.
B. Budget Allocation: Budget uploaded by the HO can be allocated to the offices under its jurisdiction by the Zonal Offices, ASD-HO and NATRSS.
C. Budget Transaction: – Transactions can be recorded by the concerned office against the Budget allocated to it.
4. Functionality for creation and management of Vendor/Lessor Master is also provided for the concerned Office/Branch who can utilize the Budget.
5. Report functionality has been provided in BCR to generate report with filters like HO wise, Zone wise, Office wise, Head wise, Sub Head wise, Balance Amount, Approved Budget, Rejected Budget, Pending Budget, Budget Monthly Return-II Zone and Office wise.
6. Any issue faced during implementation of the Budget Control Register, may be referred to NDC/IS Division through Issue Tracker.
7. Shri Kumar Raghvendra, RPFC-II (Budget) is the Nodal Officer at Finance Division, Head Office for BCR. He can be contacted at [email protected] for any support relating to BCR.
8. The Software can be accessed at URL – with the login IDs provided by the respective office’s administrator. Static IP has to be used for working on the Budget Control Register.
9. Henceforth, all expenditure in Head Offices/PDNASS and the Field Offices shall be recorded in “Budget Control Register” only.
(This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority)
Yours faithfully,
Encl: As above
(Sanat Kumar)
Regional P.F. Commissioner – I (Budget)
Copy to:
- CPFC Sectt.
- Director (Audit) / RPFC (WSU)/Welfare Officer, Head Office
- Deputy Director (OL) for Hindi Version.
Source: EPFO
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