Voting by Armed Forces – Rajya Sabha QA

Voting by Armed Forces - Rajya Sabha QA

Voting by Armed Forces – Details of voting options available to armed forces personnel posted in various locations: Rajya Sabha QA




Voting by Armed Forces

596. Shri G.V.L. Narasimha Rao:

Will the Minister of Law and Justice be pleased to state:

(a) whether voting options are available to armed forces personnel posted in various locations, detail thereof;

(b) whether armed forces personnel are eligible to register as ordinarily resident voters in parliamentary constituency of places of posting;

(c) if so, process involved in registration and voting in parliamentary constituency at place of posting and if not, reasons therefor;

(d) whether Supreme Court judgments in this regard are being followed, if not, reasons therefor;

(e) number of eligible voters in armed forces in 2019 and number who voted in 2019 parliamentary elections; and

(f) steps taken for increased participation of armed forces personnel in elections?



(a) & (b): Yes Sir, a service voter has the option of voting through postal ballot or through a proxy, duly appointed by him. Persons having a service qualification can get enrolled as ‘service voters’ at their native places even though they actually may be residing at the place of posting which is different from their native place. Further, service voters have an option to get themselves enrolled as general elector at the place of their posting if that is a peace station.

(c): Service personnel (other than those who are employed under the Government of India in a post outside India) has a choice to get himself registered as general elector in the roll of concerned part/polling station of the assembly constituency in which the actual place of his posting and residence is located, subject to the condition that his/her place of posting is a peace station. Option of enrolment as general elector is not available to the service personnel posted at forward stations. Those service personnel cannot be registered as a general elector at his native place.

Service personnel who intends to get himself/herself registered as general elector at his/her place of posting, he/she has to make an application in Form- 6 before the Electoral Registration Officer of the Assembly Constituency in which he/she ordinarily resides due to his/her posting at peace station.

Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) after satisfying himself that the applicant fulfils all the eligibility criteria fixed for registration and otherwise he/she is not disqualified for registration, on the basis of available documents/testimonials and after conducting enquiry, if required, passes speaking order after expiry of 7 days’ notice period for registration in the electoral roll.

After getting enrolled in the electoral roll as a general elector, the elector concerned is entitled to vote at an Assembly constituency/Parliamentary Constituency.

(d): Supreme Court judgments are invariably followed.

(e): Statement reflecting state-wise number of registered service electors in the last part of final electoral roll with reference to 01.01.2019 is enclosed at (Annexure-A).

(f): Consultations and meetings have been held with stakeholders since 2015 to enhance participation of Service Voters, mainly the defense and paramilitary personnel. A detailed Systematic Voters Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) strategy was developed in 2017 for the Service Voters and interventions rolled out. Various wings of Armed Forces and Paramilitary have been coordinated with to monitor their part of the action plan. CEOS have rolled out the plan in respective cantonment areas to reach the target audience.

As an important component of the strategy, to promote electoral registration and voting through postal ballot by members of the Indian armed forces, an informative and motivational film was produced through National Film Development Corporation. The film consists of vivid action-packed visuals which were shot at actual locations so that it resonates with the lives of armed personnel. There is an inspirational song with upbeat music towards the end of the film which has become very popular.

Along with the film, an informative brochure and dedicated posters for different armed forces such as Coast Guards, Army, Navy, Air Force, CRPF etc. were also produced and dispatched to their centers in large numbers for dispersal.

During the Lok Sabha Elections 2019, designated radio spots on participation and facilitation of service voters were created and popularized across all social media handles as well as the official website. Further, various audio visual creatives, posters were also produced and widely circulated. A brochure titled “How do I vote”-a guide for service voters was also made wherein all the details regarding service voters registration, Electronically Transferable Postal Ballot (ETPB), filing ballot paper etc. were mentioned. All the content is available on ECI YouTube Channel.

All social media handles of ECI such as twitter, facebook and Instagram have been actively uploading post on service voters from time to time. Further, The Hon’ble President of India officially launched the Hello Voters (Web Radio) on NVD 2021 to expand the scope of its digital outreach interventions. A dedicated episode to service voters has also been produced on web radio.






Sl. No. Name of State/UT General Electors Overseas Indian Electors Service Electors Total No. of Electors
1 ANDHRA PRADESH 18123437 18474714 3745 36601896 1953 557 1 2511 55578 1330 56908 36661315
2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 392566 401596 0 794162 0 0 0 0 4911 53 4964 799126
3 ASSAM 11132782 10627319 503 21760604 0 0 0 0 54078 1141 55219 21815823
4 BIHAR 37307892 33293467 2406 70603765 12 1 0 13 134050 5765 139815 70743593
5 CHHATTISGARH 9477113 9438463 709 18916285 3 0 0 3 15365 592 15957 18932245
6 GOA 551572 575123 0 1126695 25 12 0 37 265 10 275 1127007
7 GUJARAT 23255937 24187769 1053 44744759 61 32 0 93 24544 589 25133 44769985
8 HARYANA 9306532 8048715 17355247 10 4 14 90096 2950 93046 17448307
9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 2584180 2512625 59 5096864 3 2 0 5 61350 781 62131 5159000
10 JAMMU & KASHMIR 4037993 3739951 339 7778283 3 0 0 3 71808 758 72566 7850852
11 JHARKHAND 11507697 10473475 307 21981479 9 1 0 10 35907 1238 37145 22018634
12 KARNATAKA 25455955 24846487 4711 50307153 21 1 7 29 38735 804 39539 50346721
13 KERALA 12234556 13107460 111 25342127 62847 3729 8 66584 47624 1760 49384 25458095
14 MADHYA PRADESH 26778268 24622329 1423 51402020 42 10 0 52 64660 1300 65960 51468032
15 MAHARSHTRA 45702373 41685769 2086 87330228 206 50 0 256 102617 1818 104435 87434919
16 MANIPUR 939926 990960 26 1930912 0 0 0 0 18771 605 19376 1950288
17 MEGHALAYA 936579 956135 0 1892714 0 2 0 2 3250 44 3294 1896010
18 MIZORAM 381991 402408 6 784405 0 0 0 0 4464 49 4513 788918
19 NAGALAND 606173 596134 0 1202307 0 0 0 0 7236 70 7306 1209613
20 ODISHA 16337310 15460545 2932 31800787 6 1 0 7 38874 1503 40377 31841171
21 PUNJAB 10754157 9319711 507 20374375 264 129 0 393 98551 1734 100285 20475053
22 RAJASTHAN 24993377 23066382 231 48059990 69 28 0 97 121684 2922 124606 48184693
23 SIKKIM 216133 207032 2 423167 0 0 0 0 1712 14 1726 426646
24 TAMIL NADU 29130069 29779526 5461 58915056 79 20 0 99 61982 1095 63077 58978232
25 TELANGANA 14842582 14674217 2089 29518888 936 187 4 1127 10475 348 10823 29530838
26 TRIPURA 1317150 1281127 13 2598290 0 0 0 0 8797 121 8918 2607208
27 UTTARAKHAND 3984327 3643969 230 7628526 0 0 0 0 87036 1564 88600 7717126
28 UTTAR PRADESH 77941577 66111941 8374 144061892 41 10 0 51 246849 8101 254950 144316893
29 WEST BENGAL 35783463 33975979 1426 69760868 24 12 0 36 99555 2693 102248 69863152
30 A & N ISLAND 154829 139595 11 294435 0 0 0 0 554 29 583 295018
31 CHANDIGARH 327980 291327 19 619326 9 6 0 15 392 59 451 619792
32 D & N HAVELI 127620 113230 0 240850 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 240858
33 DAMAN & DIU 59969 59682 1 119652 8 17 0 25 10 1 11 119688
34 NCT OF DELHI 7556146 6138335 810 13695291 31 11 0 42 7774 1249 9023 13704356
35 LAKSHADWEEP 27475 26791 0 54266 0 0 0 0 122 0 122 54388
36 PUDUCHERRY 452949 506293 93 959335 204 27 0 231 209 10 219 959785
Grand Total 464720635 431316581 39683 896076899 66866 4849 20 71735 1619893 43100 1662993 897811627


Source: Rajya Sabha

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