Reimbursement of cost of newspaper purchased at the residence of officers of Defence Accounts and Central Government

News paper purchased by officers at Home will be reimbursed – Officers of Defence Accounts and Central Government Services to benefit – Reimbursement ranging from Rs. 500 to Rs. 1100.
Reimbursement for News Paper supplied at residence of officers – Claim Form
Dated: 24/08/2018
The All PCsDA/CsDA
All PC of A (Fys.) Kolkata
Subject: Reimbursement of cost of newspaper purchased/supplied at the residence of the officers of Defence Accounts Department.
At present, the reimbursement of cost of newspaper purchased/supplied at the residence of the officers of Defence Accounts Department is being made as per HQrs. Important circular of even no. dated 27.03.2012. Now, after the issue of Ministry of Finance / Department of Expenditure OM No. 25(12)/E.Coord-2018 dated 03.04.2018 in supersession of the earlier orders issued by the Ministry, the revised procedure for reimbursement would now be as follows:
2. A certificate as per the Annexure (Copy enclosed), to the effect that expenditure has been incurred on newspaper shall be provided by the officers to office on half yearly basis as mentioned in the Annexure for reimbursement.
3. The expenditure would be met out of the code head ‘Office Expenses’ allotted to the concerned offices and no additional funds will be allocated to meet the expenditure on this account.
4. Ministry of Finance / Department of Expenditure OM No. 25(12)/E.Coord-2018 dated 3rd April, 2018 is effective w.e.f. 03.04.2018.
(Mustaq Ahmad)
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(i) AN-IV section (Local)/Library (Local)
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(iv) MNB (AN-XIV) (Local).
(Vijay Raina)
Sr. AO (AN)