Non payment of pensionary benefits and other dues of the defence civilian employees on retirement /death

Defence Ministry Public Grievance Matter on Non payment of pensionary benefits and other dues of the defence civilian employees on retirement /death
Department of Defence circular on non payment of pensionary benefits
Public Grievance Matter
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence
Subject : Non payment of pensionary benefits and other dues of the defence civilian employees on retirement /death
Ministry of Defence has been receiving Public Grievances from the retired defence civilian employees relating to non-payment of their pensionary benefits and other dues by the Head of Office in time. In some cases of delayed payment (of Leave encashment and GPF), the outstanding amount had to be paid to the retired Government employees along with penal interest, borne by the Government. In this context, attention is invited to Deptt of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare (DP&PW) OM No.38/64/98-P&W dt 1 May 2012 in which the Government has prescribed the time limits for payment of pensionary benefits and the procedure to be followed in cases where delay is anticipated. These orders also provide for fixing the responsibility to recover the amount of interest from the concerned Dealing Official, Supervisor and Head of Office in proportion to their salary for the delayed payment of gratuity wherever it results in payment of penal interest.
2. The Field offices/ Lower formations of the MoD should be aware of the fact that in recent times, the government is laying strong emphasis on the fast disposal of public grievances in a time bound manner. Disposal of cases of Public grievances registered on CPGRAM is being monitored assiduously at the highest level in the Government. In such scenario, it is necessary that all grievances, including those occurring on account of non-release of pensionary benefits and other dues of retiring/deceased Government employee are attended promptly to avoid hardship after retirement. All the Administrative Divns of MoD are, therefore, requested to issue directions to their field offices/ lower formations to report cases of delay in payment of pension benefits/other dues, in the prescribed form (Annexed) on monthly basis (by 5th of every month) to the CP Branch/ MoD. This will help in monitoring delay in cases, to avoid loss to the govt on account of payment of interest for delayed payments, unnecessary litigation check avoidable harassment of the retired person/next to kin of the deceased employees.
(Anil Kumar)
Deputy Secretary to Government of India