Monthly Motivation Scheme for extraordinary / innovative work

PCDA(CC) Circular on Monthly Motivation Scheme upto SAO level extraordinary/innovative work done by officers/staff
PCDA to recognize the extraordinary/innovative work done by officers/staff (up to SAO level) every month.
Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Central Command)
Cariappa Road, Cantt, Lucknow, Pin Code-226002
Dt. 16.03.2016
All sections in Main Office
All sub-offices
Sub: Monthly Motivation Scheme
It has been decided by the Competent Authority to recognize the extraordinary/innovative work done by officers/staff (up to SAO level) every month.
2. To begin with, nominations are being invited for the whole financial year 2015-16. Such nomination should be sent to AN-lA section by 11.04.2016. Thereafter nomination for every month should be submitted till 10th of succeeding month.
3. The areas of work to be considered are illustrated (SOP & format as per Annexure ‘A’). However. these areas are illustrative and other innovative areas not covered herein may also be considered while forwarding the names.
4. The nominations must have recommendations of the AAO/AO/SAO i.e., immediate superior of the official/officer concerned. Concerned GO would thereafter recommend the names to the committee.
5. The selected individuals would be given PCDA’s commendation at the end of every month.
(Raj Kumar)
Download Monthly Motivation Scheme for extraordinary / innovative work