LTC for Defence Personnel serving in Armed, Air Force and Navy

Leave Travel Concession related procedures for Defence Personnel – LTC Advance, Information and certificates required for LTC Claims
(Refers Rule 184 to 188 of Travel Regulations 1991 Edition)
11. JCOs/ORs when proceeding on annual/casual leave irrespective of its duration may be granted once annually free conveyance by main route to and from their home and every alternate year, in lieu of home town, to any other leave station (All India LTC).
12. In addition to the general check list the under mentioned points need to be observed before forwarding the LTC advance claims :
i. Claim for LTC advance is to be preferred in the prescribed proforma (IAF194 (amended)
ii. The requisition for advance is to be signed by the claimant and countersigned by the Controlling Officer
iii. Details of the family members indicating gender, relation, date of birth etc., is required to be furnished duly countersigned by the CO
iv. Block year for which LTC is claimed
v. Band Pay and Grade pay is to be indicated
vi. ‘No warrant issued’ Certificate by the competent authority for the travel to be enclosed separately.
vii. Home town/Place of visit is to be specified
viii. In the case of LTC for self, the period of leave is to be specified
ix. Advance is restricted to 90% of the approximate entitlement.
In addition to the general check list the under mentioned points need to be observed before forwarding the LTC adjustment claims:
i. Important details viz., unit, name and designation, account No, band pay, grade pay, details of family, age, date of birth, relationship details of marital status and employment, declared place of visit, home town, ticket no./PNR No., signature of the individual and countersignature of the competent authority are required to be furnished in the LTC adjustment claim
ii. The adjustment claim should be submitted within the stipulated time. The date of preference of claims by the individuals, is checked with the date of completion of return journey given, to ensure that the claims are submitted within the stipulated time.
iii. No Leave Travel Concession is admitted for journey performed by own (by own propulsion)/hired car
vi. No Leave Travel Concession is permissible for family members other than the OR’s wife and dependents
vii. Where LTC for members of the family is claimed the particulars of the members of the family are required to be furnished and in the case of children, age with gender is to be mentioned along with marital status.
viii. Where LTC is claimed for parents/minor brothers/sisters the dependency certificate is to be recorded on the claim. Note: The claim should be submitted within one month on completion of return journey if advance is drawn.
ix. The DO II notification should contain the details like leave availed, date of commencement of onward and return journey, nos. and details of persons performing the journey, nearest railway station, home town, place of visit, Block year/Calendar year in which the claim is preferred.
x. Certificate by the CO is required to be furnished for the purchase of ticket within the stipulated time if advance is drawn.
xi. The claimant should have completed one year service/is a trained soldier.
xii. Leave certificate with leave details/Part II orders should be furnished.
xiii. Original tickets should be furnished
xiv. Waiver certificate for non-submission of tickets supported with PNR/Ticket nos as per QMG Branch, AHQ letter 12647/Q/MOV/C dated 30.5.2003 should be furnished.
xv. In case the journey is performed by Private Airline when the cost of Air Travel is borne by Govt of India, the sanction for relaxation by Ministry of Civil Aviation is to be obtained and furnished.
xvi. Certificate in terms of Rule 184 (xi) of TR regarding completion of onward and return journey within the stipulated period of six months should be furnished
xvii. Joint declaration in case spouse is employed in government service.
i. Reasons for non issue of Railway Warrant
ii. Sanction of leave i.e.; the exact period of leave granted to the individual is to be shown and Part II order/gen. form also attached with the claim.
iii. Name of the nearest railway station to the home of the individual, as recorded in his service documents, is to be shown in the claim.
iv. The date of commencement and completion of both onward and outward journeys is o be shown in the claim.
v. Details of family members with age & sex of children, if any, and wholly dependent on the individual is to be mentioned in the claim.
vi. The No. and date of the CV issued for the onward and return journey for the family is to be mentioned in the claim.
vii. A certificate to the effect that a similar LTC under Rule 184(i) TR was not/will not be availed by the individual on any other occasion during the calendar year.
viii. Certified that the individual and his family have not availed and will not avail of LTC under Rule 184(iii) TR on any other occasion during the calendar year.
Note: Encashment of Leave on LTC has been made as DOs-II item w.e.f. 01.08.2014
15. In respect of JCOs/ORs claiming TA/DA while proceeding abroad, the advance is sanctioned by the PAO where the IRLA of the OR is being maintained. The adjustment / recovery of the advance is watched by the PAO.
In respect of JCOs/ORs where Ex-India posting is not involved, e.g.,
i. deputation,
ii. long term course, and
iii. joint exercise
Such claims are dealt with by PCDA New Delhi. Supplementary claims received where the earlier claim was admitted by some other office may be forwarded to that particular office for linking and auditing the same.
Source: Handbook of 7th CPC pay and allowances for JCO and OR
Also checkout following topics in Handbook on 7th Pay Commission Pay and Allowances for Defence personnel
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