Instructions for Casual Labour – Ministry of Defence

Instructions for Casual Labour – Ministry of Defence (MoD) Order – MoD ID No. 17(05)/2020/D(Civ-II) dated 28.02.2020
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
(Department of Defence)
D (Civ-II)
Subject: Instructions on Casual Labour- regarding.
Attention is invited to the Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M No. 49014/5/2019-Estt.(C) dated 13.02.2020 wherein consolidated instructions have been issued on the above mentioned subject. The O.M is available on the website of DoP&T at “ ->Department of Personnel & Training (DoP&T) -> Notifications -> O.Ms & Orders -> Establishment -> Daily Wage Casual Labour”. The O.M will also be available on the website of Ministry of Defence i.e. -> Department of Defence (DoD) -> O.Ms & Order.
2. All the addressees are requested to bring the above guidelines to the notice of all concerned for information and compliance.
(Vimala Vikram)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
MoD ID No. 17(05)/2020/D(Civ-II) dated 28.02.2020
Enclosures: – Consolidated instructions on Casual Labour : DoPT Order reg Pay/Wages, Leave, Scheme 1993, GPF & Pensionary Benefit etc.
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