Increment for MACP to same grade pay
Ordnance Factory Board allows 3% increment for MACP to same grade pay
Ordinance Factory Board has issued a communication on “Restructuring of Cadre of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishments in Modification of Recommendations of 6th CPC” – Grant of 3% increment and upgradation in the same Grade Pay.
Restructuring of Cadre of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishments in Modification of Recommendations of 6th CPC
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Ordnance Factory Board
Ayudh Bhavan
10A, Shaheed Kmudiram Bose Road, Kolkatta – 700 001
No.Per/1/01/CR/658 Date: 10/07/2015
The Sr. General Managers’ / General Managers
All Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories
Sub: Restructuring of Cadre of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishments in Modification of Recommendations of 6th CPC
Ref: (i) OFB Circular No. 01/CR/A1/658 dated 17/02/2014
(ii) PC of A (FYS) Circular No. Pay/Tech-II/04/2014/02 dated 11.02.2014
(iii) PC of A (FYS) Circular No. Pay/Tech-II/04/2013/22 dated 31.07.2013
It has already been circulated vide Ref.(i) & (ii) above that HS/MCM workers drawing the pay scale of 5000-8000/- (i.e. Pay Scale of CM-II) by virtue of ACPS upto 31.12.2005 are to be considered for financial up-gradation in the Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- under 3rd MACP, if otherwise eligible.
Now, some factories and federations have sought clarification regarding 3rd MACP up-gradation in respect of the MCM workers who were drawing the pay scale of Rs. 4500-7000/- upto 31.12.2005. The matter has also been discussed in MACP Workshop held at NADP, Ambajhari on 8th & 9th May, 2015. In this connection, factories are requested to consider such employees financial up-gradation under 3rd MACP in the same Grade pay of Rs.4200/- with 3% increment benefit, if otherwise eligible.
PC of A (FYS) has already issued directives to all Branch vide Circular No. Pay/Tech-II/04/2013/22 dated 31.07.2013 (copy enclosed) in this regard.
(S.K. Singh)
For Director General/Ordnance Factories
Download Ordinance Factory Board letter No.Per/1/01/CR/658 dated 10.07.2015