Use of Unique Disability Identity Card for preparation of White Card: ECHS

Use of Unique Disability Identity Card for preparation of White Card: ECHS Order dated 06.06.2022
Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant Generals Branch
Integrated Headquarters
Ministry of Defence (Army)
Thimayya Marg
Near Gopinath Circle
Delhi Cantt -110010
06 Jun 2022
All RCs
1. Please refer :-
(a) Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No 18(77)/2017AVE/D(Res-I) dated 18 Sep 2018.
(b) CO ECHS letter No B/49701-PR/Gen/AG/ECHS/2021 dated 10 Dec 2021.
(c) Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No 22(09)/2021-D(WE/Res-l) dated 26 May 2022 (copy att).
(d) Para 8 of SOP on Treatment Management in ECHS.
2. As per extant instructions, for the preparation of white card a Certificate Of Disability(Form V to VII) as per PWD act 2016 need to be issued by service hosp/ District Disability Board/ Govt Medical College/Hospital Disability Board.
3. GOI/MoD/DoESW vide letter No 22(09)/2021-D(WE/Res-l) dated 26 May 2022,has sanctioned the acceptance of Unique Disability Identity (UDID) Card as a disability verification / identification document for authentication of ECHS beneficiary with disability in addition to the Certificate Of Disability, PVD Act 2016.
4. It is reiterated that the conditions for issue of white card remain the same as per Para 8 of SOP on Treatment Management in ECHS. Some of the important criteria are once again emphasized as given below:-
(a) The disability should be one of the 21 disabilities included in the PWD Act 2016.
(b) This disability should not be less than 40%.
(c) The disabled person should be unmarried at the time of approving white card.
(d) He/she should be dependent and the income should be less than Rs. 9000/- per month plus DA thereon.
5. This instruction will come into effect from 26th May 2022.
6. This has the approval of MD ECHS.
(A C Nishil)
Source: ECHS