Financial  Guidelines for extension of ECHS facilities to Nepal Domiciled Gorkha

Financial  Guidelines for extension of ECHS facilities to Nepal Domiciled Gorkha (NDG)ESM pensioners in Nepal.

Financial  Guidelines for extension of ECHS facilities to Nepal Domiciled Gorkha – Defence Ministry OM dated 20.10.2017

No. 22D(14)/2016/WE/D(Res)

Government of India

Ministry of Defence

New Delhi the 20th October  2017


The  Chief  of Army Staff

The  Chief  of Naval Staff

The  Chief  of Air  Staff

Subject:  Financial  Guidelines for extension of ECHS facilities to Nepal Domiciled Gorkha (NDG)ESM pensioners   in  Nepal.


With  reference    to    Govt    of   India,  Ministry of Defence letter No.
25(02)/2012/WE/D(Res) dated 10th September 2013,  I am directed to convey the sanction of the Competent Authority for reimbursement of bills of Empanelled Hospitals  and  individual   bills  of ECHS beneficiaries at Nepal  at CGHS package  rates  applicable in Delhi.

2. The Delhi rates will  be applicable for treatment started    on or after the date of  issue of  this letter. The  Lucknow rates applicable hithertofore will continue for all  treatment taken prior to  issue of this letter.

3. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry  of  Defence (Finance)  vide their U.O.  No.  33(18)/2016/Fin/Pen dated 25.10.2017.

Yours faithfully,


Under Secretary  to  the  Govt.  of India

Download / Read Financial Guidelines for extension of ECHS Defence Ministry Circular No. 22D(14)/2016/WE/D(Res) dated 20.10.2017