Covid-19: Home Isolation Service Package: ECHS Order

Covid-19: Home Isolation Service Package: ECHS Order dated 27.04.2021
Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated Headquarters
Ministry of Defence (Army)
Thimayya Marg, Near Gopinath
Circle, Delhi Cantt-110010
27 Apr 2021
(All Regional Centres)
1. Please ref CO ECHS letter No B/49770/AG/ECHS/Treatment/Policy dt 31 Mar 2020 (Copy att).
2. As per Para 7 of letter under reference veteran/ beneficiary undergoing test / treatment at Govt designated pvt hosps without referral will be treated as emergency case and expenditure incurred will be reimbursed at Govt/ CGHS rates as individual reimbursement claim. Due to the recent surge in number of COVID-19 cases, and inability of the health infrastructure to cope with sudden rise in number of cases, a large number of beneficiaries with mild symptoms are being advised Home ‘Quarantine. During the Home Quarantine there is a need to monitor the patient for his parameters such as temperature, SpO2 levels, BP, pulse etc as also consume prescribed medicines. In certain cases, there may be a requirement to administer Oxygen to the patient during the Home Quarantine.
3. In view of above, if a ECHS beneficiary who is having complaints of fever cough/ cold / diarrhoea etc. and consults a doctor at Service / Govt / Med College/ Empanelled/ Non Empanelled hospital, where he is advised home isolation, medicines and COVID-19 (RT PCR) test, then he/ she will be entitled purchase home isolation package with one or more services as mentioned in succeeding Paragraph. Bills for the 7 same will be reimbursed through OIC ECHS Polyclinic.
4. Home Isolation Package Services.
(a) Visit of doctors at home twice in a week.
(b) Monitoring of temperature, pulse, SPO2, BP etc by nursing supervisor twice a day and training of relative for self monitoring.
(c) Dietician consultation.
(d) Monitoring and advice on treatment plan by nursing staff/ doctor based on condition of patient.
(e) Administer injections to patient if advised by treating doctor.
5. The reimbursement for above mentioned package will be made with a ceiling limit of Rs 1000/- per day for 14 days from the date of advice of Home Isolation.
6. Additional services. Expenditure on following during the period of Home Quarantine on following will also be permissible for reimbursement in addition to the Home Isolation Package on the advice and prescription of the doctor as per Govt approved / CGHS / ICMR/ actual rates as applicable.
(a) Use of Oxygen Cylinder / Oxygen Concentrator at home.
(b) Provision of ambulance to patient if need arises to shift patient to hospital.
(c) Blood tests/ one RT PCR test/ one HRCT Scan / one CRP / one IL6 and one D Dimer test as required.
7. Conditions. The claim of the ECHS beneficiary will be admitted on meeting following conditions:-
(a) Home Isolation is advised by treating doctor based on a positive RT PCR test result or a RT PCR test is advised concurrent with Home Isolation based on clinical symptoms.
(b) If RF PCR test result is negative later but symptoms and HRCT Scan suggests a suspected COVID-19 case, the Home Isolation package if continued on the advice of treating doctor for a maximum duration of 14 days from first Home Isolation prescription. :
8. Following documents with self certification will be required for processing such claims :-
(a) Doctor’s prescription from a registered medical practitioner.
(b) Photocopy of ECHS card of patient.
(c) Bills of medicines/ injections/ Ambulance service / administration of Oxygen less the Home Isolation Package.
(d) Bills of Home Isolation package.
(d) Daily medical case sheet showing vital data (temperature, pulse, BP etc) and SPO2 monitoring data of the patient.
(e) Contingent bill.
(f) Cancelled cheque / Bank details of ECHS beneficiary / ESM.
9. Bills will be submitted to OIC ECHS polyclinic for further processing of reimbursement and Dir RC ECHS will process payment under code head 365/00.
10. This has approval of MD ECHS.
(SK Gupta)
Offg Dir ( Med)