Advisory on use of Anti-Vegf Intravitreal Injection: ECHS

Advisory on use of Anti-Vegf Intravitreal Injection: ECHS order dated 20.06.2022
Central Organisation ECHS
Integrated HQ of MoD (Army)
Adjutant General’s Branch
Thimayya Marg, Near Gopinath Circle
Delhi Cantt-110010
20 Jun 2022
All Regional Centres
AMA ECHS, Embassy of India, Nepal
1. Please refer to CO ECHS letter No B/49761/AG/ECHS/2022 dated 07 Jun 2022.
2. Pl ref Dept of Opthamology, AH (R&R) letter No ECHS/Adv/22/01 dt 21 Apr 2022 and CO ECHS Policy letter No B/49762/AG/ECHS dt 09 Aug 2018 (copy att).
3. The drugs approved for intraviteral injections in eye should bear the nomenclature as approved in DGAFMS Rate Contracts or standardized international nomenclature, rather than any particular brand name:-
(a) Ranibizumab 0.5 mg in 0.05 ml, vial of 0.23 ml.
(b) Ranibizumab 0.5 mg in 0.05 ml, Pre-filled syringe of 0.165 ml.
(c) Aflibercept 2.0 mg in 0.05 ml, vial of 0.28 ml.
(d) Dexamethasone implant 700 microgram.
(e) Brolucizumab 6.0 mg in 0.05 mi. vial of 0.23 ml.
4. All RCs are requested to inform all the empanelled hospitals under their AOR to forward case for approval of intravitreal Injection for use as Anti VEGF Agent with the following supporting documents :-
(a) Best Corrected Visual Acuity both eyes.
(b) Intra-ocular pressure of eyes and a comment on presence/absence of Glaucoma.
(c) Optical Coherece Tomography of the macula for Maular indication.
(d) USG B-Scan print for indication of vitreous hemorrhage.
(e) FFA/Fundus Colour picture for indication of PDR.
5. The above info be disseminated to all empanelled hospitals so that all requests for approvals on Appx ‘A’ are accompanied by a/m supporting documents.
6. The letter mentioned at Para 1 above may please be treated as cancelled.
(Panchal Kalpeshkumar S)
Lt Col
Jt Dir (Med & Eqpt)
Encls : As above.
States Automation Sec – for uploading this letter on ECHS website.
Source: ECHS