Digital Life Certificate Program for Defence and Civilian Pensioners

Digital Life Certificate Program fro Defence and Civilian Pensioners – Implementation of Digital Life Certificate Programme regarding enrollment of Defence Civilian and Defence Civilian Pensioner

Digital Life Certificate Program fro Defence and Civilian Pensioners – PCDA circular dated 18.09.2017

Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Central Command)

Cariappa Road, Cantt., Lucknow, Pin Code – 226002

No. PT/3088/DLCP/Vol-V

Dated 18.09.2017


The Officer in-charge
(All Sub-Offices)

Sub : Implementation of Digital Life Certificate Programme-regarding enrollment of Defence Civilian and Defence Civilian Pensioner.
Ref:- This office DO letter No. PT/3088/DLCP/Vol-II dated 30.03.2017 and latest letter dated 13.06.2016.


1. Please refer to this office DO/letter cited under reference regarding furnishing of weekly report on enrollment of Defence Civilians (in service/pensioner) for Aadhar .Card, which is being forwarded to HQrs’ office. Now the same is monitored by CDA (IDAS), New Delhi directly.

2. It is pertinent to mentioned here that 100% enrollment in Aaadhar is mandatory as per HQrs mandate but it has been observed that the progress in this regard is not satisfactory and the report has also not been updated since long. It is therefore requested to furnish the latest updated report immediately to this office for onward submission to CDA (IDS) office and a letter may also be issued to all concerned units from where reports are not being forwarded or sufficient progress achieved. Concerted efforts may please taken to achieve the target.

3. Further, a report regarding Strength of Defence Civilian (Non-DAD). is still awaited from most of the offices, which is called for vide this office letter No PT/3088/DLCP/Vol-IV dated 31.03.2017 under which Name of the units, their strength, having Adhar No. etc were to be furnished in the enclosed proforma.

The desired report may please be furnished immediately through e-mail/fax for further necessary action, please.

Accounts Officer (PT)

Download / Read Digital Life Certificate Program fro Defence and Civilian Pensioners PCDA circular No. PT/3088/DLCP/Vol-V dated 18.09.2017