Delay in finalization of Pension / Family Pension claims due to common errors

Processing of Pension / Family Pension claims – PCDA lists Common Errors Relating to Superannuation Cases and Family Pension claims

PCDA lists out common errors occur relating to Superannuation Cases and Family Pension claims




Important Circular No.C-151                                 


O/o the Pr. CDA (Pensions)

Draupadighat, Allahabad -211014

Dated: – 13.06.2016.


(All Head of Department under Min. of Defence)

Subject:            Delay  in   finalization  of   Pension/Family  Pension   claims  due   to   common errors/mistake found therein.

Reference:       This office important circulars No.73 dated 11.01.2010, 131 dated 19.01.2015 and C-143 dated 23.06.2015


Please take cognizance of above cited circular dated 11.01.2010 under which it was stated  that  claims  for  superannuation pension  pertaining  to  Defence  Civilian  are  forwarded according to Rule 61 (4) of CCS Pension Rules-1972 to the Pension Sanctioning Authority i.e. office of the PCDA (P) Allahabad, not later than six months before the date of retirement of the Govt. servant. Inspite of this, the cases of Defence Civilians are receiving at a belated stage lead to delay in notification of PPOs. It is again requested that to ensure that the time frame of six months for submission of pension claims to the PSA is strictly followed so that the pensioners may get their pensionary dues in time.

Further, take cognizance of above cited circulars dated 19.01.2015 & 23.06.2015 under which a list of common errors/mistakes found in pension/family pension was circulated with a request to ensure that said errors/mistakes may be avoided while initiating/forwarding the pension/family pension  claim  to  this  office.  But  it  is  being  observed  that  in  spite  of  these instructions the same errors/mistakes are being repeated while initiating/forwarding the pension/family pension claims, resulting into avoidable delays. List of common errors/mistake is again enclosed for ready reference.

Therefore, it is once again requested that suitable instructions may be issued to all the Head of Offices under your administrative control for strict compliance in this regard.

(Nasim Ullah)



Download PDCA Important Circular No.C-151 No:G1/C/Misc/Vol-X/Tech dated 13.06.2016

Common Errors Relating to Superannuation Cases


1.         It has been observed that in several cases only pay particulars of LPC-Cum-Data Sheet are being verified by LAO/PAO, while as per instructions issued by this office time to time “All columns of LPC-Cum-Data Sheet should be verified by the LAO/PAO.”

2.         Organization Code & Organization name should be correctly filled in Col. 1 & 2 of the Data Sheet respectively.

3.         GPF  Statement  (CCO-9)/Certificate  having  clear  and  full  GPF  A/C  No.  should  be enclosed with pension claim.

4.         Complete address with PIN Code of office/Unit and HOO should be filled in Col. 4 & 5 of the Data Sheet respectively.

5.         Nature of pension in Col. No. 15 of Data Sheet should be supported with part-II Office Order.

6.         Audit report for counting of former service should be enclosed in support of Col. 18 of Data Sheet.

7.         Col. No. 21 of the Data Sheet should be properly filled with as per Medical Option attached with pension claim.

8.         Complete details of EOL statement should be attached with the claim and 10 months average should be calculated on the basis of last 300 days for which individual has actually drawn payment (excluding EOL Period).

9.         Each kind of demand pending against the claimant and interest thereon should be shown separately in  “No  demand Certificate for  Govt.  dues”,  and  it  should  be  specified  to which Controller Credit is to be passed on for the demand.

10.       No demand certificate for Govt. Accommodation should be enclosed, in the absence of which 10% gratuity would be withheld from gratuity payment.

11.       No  judicial  certificate  that  no  judicial/disciplinary  proceeding  is  pending  should  be enclosed.

12.       All the three parts of Commutation Application should be attached duly completed and Col. No. 36 and 37 of Data Sheet should be filled accordingly.

13.       In Col. No. 47 of the Data Sheet, name of district in which PDA is situated should be filled.

14.       No prefix or suffix as Zero is required in Bank A/c No. in Col No. 54 of the Data Sheet. It should be exactly same as provided by Bank and it should be supported by Bank details with BSR code attested by concerned Bank Manager also.

15.       Details of single PDA (Bank or DPDO) should be filled in Data Sheet and other document attached with claim.

16.       In support of Col. No. 62, Certificate on proper format a prescribed in Circular No.106 dated18.03.2013 of this office should be attached.

17.       Calculation Sheet should be verified by LAO and all the documents of the pension claim should be verified by concerned HOO.

18.       HOO  remarks on  Page  No.5  of  IAFA-356 should  be  filled  completely and  service rendered by claimant should be established.

19.       For Dual family pension, confirmation from concerned Record Office or PPOs copy of Army side family pension, life certificate of the pensioner, descriptive roll of spouse and IAFA 356- A are required to ascertain eligibility of Dual family pension claimant.

20.       Please ensure that certificate is to be enclosed on a prescribed proforma as mentioned in CCS (P) Rules-1972 & GOI OMs issued time to time.

21.      Fax/Phone No. must be clearly mentioned on covering memo of pension claim.

Common Errors/Mistakes claim for Family Pensioner

Following forms/documents may be forwarded after duly completion:


1.        It has been observed that in several cases only pay particulars of LPC-Cum-Data Sheet are being verified by LAO/PAO, while as per instructions issued by this office time to time “All columns of LPC-Cum-Data Sheet should be verified by the LAO/PAO.”

2.        Death certificate in respect of deceased govt. servant and an extract of DO Pt-II OO notifying the casualty should be enclosed.

3.        Nomination of DCRG in original executed by deceased govt. servant during his life time should be enclosed.

4.        Statement showing non qualifying service and dates of availing EOL should be enclosed.

5.        DCRG/Family pension claim on IAFA 356 A should be duly completed in all respect.

6.        Option  for  fixed  medical  allowance/only   widowhood  certificate  should  be enclosed.

7.        Marital status certificate should be duly countersigned by the HOO.

8.      Date of Birth certificate must be issued from school/college/municipal corporation/gram panchayat duly countersigned by HOO.

9.        (a) A certificate  stating that “the claimant is suffering from……..disorder and is not curable permanent nature and also stating that the claimant is unable to earn his livelihood due to the stated handicapped nature” by a medical board comprising of a Medical Supdt. Or a principal or a director or a Head of Institution or his Nominee as Chairman and Two other members, out of which at least one shall be a Specialist in the particular area of Mental or Physical disability including mental retardation (Rule 54 (6) (iv) to (vi) under CCS (P) Rules 1972).

9.        (b) A similar certificate is also required to be submitted by the HOO along with above certificate regarding income from all sources including self employment for examining the admissibility of family pension to the claimant.

10.      For Dual family pension, confirmation from concerned Record Office or PPOs copy of Army side family pension, life certificate of the pensioner, descriptive roll of spouse and IAFA 356-A are required to ascertain eligibility of Dual family pension claimant.

11.      Date of Birth of claimant of family pension must be agreed with the record as given in service book i.e. with the family details executed by individual/pensioner.

12.      It has been observed in several cases that the dependency of claimant is being shown his/her relatives whereas claimant children should be dependent on his/her parents. Therefore, dependency (Guardianship) certificate be issued/ forwarded accordingly to this office.

13.      Fax/Phone No. must be clearly mentioned on covering memo of pension claim.

14.      In case of missing govt. employee; copy of FIR/Report lodged and Indemnity Bond from the claimant should be attached.