Defence Pension Adalat on 7th and 8th April 2016 – PCDA

PCDA Adalat Pune – Satara from 7th – 8th April, 2016 – followed by a mobile pension camp at Satara on 9th April, 2016.
Defence Pension Adalat is scheduled to be held Adalat at ‘Dhanvantri’ Auditorium, AFMC, Pune.
A Defence Pension Adalat, 139th in the series of Adalats held by the Defence Accounts Department, is being held at Pune from 7th – 8th April, 2016, followed by a mobile pension camp at Satara on 9th April, 2016. The Defence Pension Adalat at Pune – Satara is being organized by the PCDA (P) Allahabad.
The Nodal Officer details for the Defence Pension Adalat Pune-Satara are as follows:
Nodal Officer : Shri Ashish Sen, Sr.A.O.
O/o PCDA (P) Allahabad
Tel/Fax No : 0532 – 2421873; 2420330
Mob. No : 09415145879
Email ID : [email protected]
All concerned are requested to take a note of the Adalat schedule and forward their pension related application/queries to the nodal officer under PCDA (Pension). The venue of the Adalat is ‘Dhanvantri’ Auditorium, AFMC, Pune.
The Defence Pension Adalat at Pune is likely to be inaugurated by Hon’ble Raksha Mantri on 7th April 2016.
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