TA claims for performing journey in Car /Taxi /Scooter / Auto rickshaw on tour

TA rate when employees travel by private car, scooter etc

TA claims for performing journey in Car / Taxi / Scooter/ Auto rickshaw on tour – PCA(Fys) Order for adopting rates prescribed by Transport Authorities of concerned State Government/ Metropolitan city

TA rate when employees travel by private car, scooter etc


Office of the PCA(Fys) Kolkata, 10A, S.K. Bose Road, Kolkata – 700001


Date: 14/03/2016


1 All Controller of Finance & Accounts(Fys)

2 All Branch Accounts Office

Sub: Obtaining of rates prescribed by Transport Authorities of concerned State Government/ Metropolitan city.

Of late, it has been observed that the TA claims are preferred claiming Road Mileage Allowance (RMA) @ Rs.24/- & Rs.12/- for taxi and auto fare respectively.

2 As per Govt. of India’s order no.(1) below SR 46 of FRSR Part-II Travelling Allowances, TA claims for performing journey in Car/Taxi/Scooter/Autorickshaw on tour are to be settled on the basis of rates prescribed by Transport Authorities of concerned State or on the basis of prevailing rates in the Metropolitan city of a particular State or of the neighbouring states and, if no rates have been fixed, then the following rates have been authorized, which shall automatically increase by 25% whenever the DA payable on the revised pay structure goes up by 50%.

For Journeys performed in Rate per KM

a) Own Car/Taxi Rs.16/-
b) Autorickshaw/ Own Scooter Rs.8/-

In absence of rates prescribed by Transport Authorities of concerned State or prevailing rates in the Metropolitan city of a particular State or of the neighbouring states, this office is admitting the RMA claims on the above indicated rates.

3 Recently, during the course of Inspection of PCA(Fys) Kolkata by HQrs Office, it has been pointed out that the RMA claims are being admitted @ Rs.24/- & Rs.12/- for taxi and auto fare respectively as a matter of routine. In this regard they have instructed that Group Controllers & Branch Accounts Officers being the’ Countersigning Authority may be requested to find out the relevant rates from the concerned transport authorities before countersigning the claims.

4 In view of the foregoing, it is enjoined upon that the rates of concerned transport authorities (state/metropolitan city) may please be obtained on priority basis and the same may please be forwarded to this office interalia copy endorsed to the concerned GP. CsFA/Br.AOs so that the countersigning Authority may verify the relevant rates before countersigning the claims.

Kindly accord priority.

Please acknowledge receipt.


Joint Controller of Accounts

Download Office of the PCA(Fys) Circular No.025/AN-VIII/TADA/XXV dated 14.03.2016