Standard Operating Procedure: Leave Module in TULIP: PCDA

Standard Operating Procedure: Leave Module in TULIP: PCDA Circular dated 23.01.2024
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Army),
Tel. No. :0172-2741611 Ext. (211)
Dated: 23/01/2024
Important Circular
- All IDAS Officers in Main Office
- All SAOs in Main Office
- All Section in Main Office
- All Sub-Offices (including IFAs) under PCDA(A) Chandigarh
Subject: Standard Operating Procedure: Leave Module in TULIP
Reference: This office important circular even no. dated 19/12/2023.
Please refer to this office letter dated 19/12/2023 under which it has been intimated that no leave will be applied offline other than the para (ii), (iii) & (vii) of the SOP of HQrs office. Accordingly the action of all concerned was warranted for implementation of leave module in TULIP in this organization as per Para A to F of this office letter dated 19/12/2023 cited under reference.
The HQrs office has again directed that no leave will be applied/sanctioned offline other than the para (ii), (iii) & (vii) of the SOP issued by HQrs office. Accordingly, all concerned of this organization are again advised to follow HQrs office SOP on leave module in TULIP and no leave will be applied offline other than that mentioned in para (ii), (iii) & (vii) of the SOP issued by HQrs office.
Further it has been observed in this office that the officers/officials while submitting their leave request in TULIP system do not get the same recommended from their concerned Group Officers/Recommending authority resulting in delay in approval of leave request. It is enjoined upon all that the onus of getting the recommendation/sanction of leave lies with the officer/official who applies for the leave. The officer/official should ensure that his/her leave is sanctioned before proceeding on leave.
It is reiterated that every member of the establishment who applies for leave will ascertain before absenting himself that the leave has been sanctioned & on no account should be proceed on leave in anticipation of sanction as per para 251 of OM Part I. It may also be ensured that he/she has informed to his/her Link officer and get him/her mapped in TULIP System in consultation with IT&S section of Main Office.
(Satnam Singh)
Copy to: 1.The officer-in- charge IT&S (Local)
For information and necessary action. Please refer to para A of this office letter dated 19/12/2023 cited under reference, it is reiterated to ensure that all IDAS officers/SAOs/AAOs/Staff of this organization have been mapped. Any technical issue, if any found by officer/official will be sorted out by IT&S section of this office or taking the matter with IT&S wing of HQrs office and Secunderabad. It is also requested to ensure that all the officers/officials have been mapped with their respective Leave Recommending Officer and Leave Sanctioning Officer as and when officials apply leave in TULIP system.
2. PA to PCDA : For information please.
3. PA to JCDA/ GO(AN) : For information please.
(Subhash Chander)
Sr. Accounts Officer (AN)
Source: PCDA