
Pension of PBOR discharged from service on or after 01.01.2006

Personnel Below Officer Rank –ย Pension ofย PBOR discharged from service on or after 01.01.2006 – PCDA Circular


Circular No. 506

Dated: 18th January, 2013


The OI/C Records/ PAOs (ORs)………..

Subject:- Implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of Committee on the issues related to Defence Service Personnel and Ex- Servicemen- Pension / Family Pension of Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) discharged from service on or after 01.01.2006.

Reference: – This office Circular No. 471 dated 30.09.2011.

A copy of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No 1(15)/2012-D (Pen/Policy) dated 17th January, 2013 on the above subject is forwarded herewith for information and necessary action which is self explanatory.
2. As brought out in Para 5 of the MOD letter dated 17/01/2013, implementing instructions on the above Government letter and indicating the notional pay to be considered for each rank and group across the three services, have been examined and the same are as follows:-
(i) Current weightage in qualifying service of Sepoy, Naik and Havildar has been increased by two years. Now, the weightage for the purpose of calculation of Pension in terms of Para 2 of Ministry’s letter dated 18.8.2010 for the rank of Sepoy, Naik and Havildar shall be taken as 12, 10 and 8 years subject to a maximum qualifying service of 32 years. However, in case, an individual’s qualifying service works out to be more than 32 years with weightage of 5 years as admissible prior to 01.01.2006, he would continue that benefit and there will be no enhancement of weightage in such case.
(ii) The provisions contained in Ministry’s letter dated 18.8.2010 shall also be applicable to Post-1.1.2006 JCOs/ORs granted Honorary Commission as Lieutenant and Captain. The notional pay in the revised pay structure for these ranks shall be worked out by adding pay in the revised pay band corresponding to the fixed pay of Fifth CPC (in terms of Para 9(a) (i) of SAI 1/S/2008 as amended and laid down in equivalent instructions for Navy & Air Force) plus Grade pay and Military Service Pay introduced under Sixth CPC revised pay structure.
(iii) To establish a linkage in the rate of Ordinary Family Pension with the pension ofย JCOs/ ORs, the enhanced and normal rate of Ordinary family pension of post- 1.1.2006 JCOs/ ORs, determined in terms of Para 13 of Ministry’s letter dated 3.2.1998 read with letter dated 12.11.2008, shall in no case be less than 100% and 60% respectively of the pension determined in terms of Ministry’s ibid letter No. 17(4)/08/(2)/D(Pen/Policy) dated 1th8.8.2010 as modified vide MOD letter No. 1(15)/2012-D(Pen/Policy) dated 17 January, 2013 subject to fulfillment of other prescribed conditions as hither-to-fore.
(iv) The Service pension/ Family pension in terms of these Govt. orders will be determined on the basis of the rank and group last held by the individual and pre revised /revised pay scale relating thereto as per Para 2 & 3 of GOI, MOD letter dated 18.08.2010.
(v) Table showing equivalent ranks, Groups and Pay scales of JCOs/ORs of three Armed Forces Services have already been provided vide this office Circular No. 471 dated 30.09.2011.
3. The Service pension/Family pension of all JCOs/ORs including Honorary Commissioned Officers who retired/discharged/invalided out/died while in service on or after 01.01.2006, shall be re-calculated in terms of these orders by the Pension Sanctioning Authorities concerned and suo-moto Corrigendum PPOs will be issued if the recalculated pension in terms of these orders, are found beneficial. However, no commutation on enhanced pension in terms of these orders shall be allowed to the JCOs/ORs who retired /discharged /invalided out of service prior to the date of implementation of this order.
4. In view of the above, it is requested that all such cases covered under these orders may please be reviewed and a list of all affected cases of service pension and family pension covered under these orders may be forwarded to concerned PSAs year wise.
5. The provision of this circular shall be effective from 24th September 2012 and shall also cover the cases of Post 01.01.2006 retiree/death in service cases. The financial benefit in past cases shall, however be granted from 24.09.2012 only.
6. This circular has been uploaded on this office website www.pcdapension.nic.in for disseminating across the all concerned.

No. Grants/Tech/0167/XII (506)

Dated: 18 January, 2013
Source: ย PCDA
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