CGDA: Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19

Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19: CGDA’s Instructions to Draw up a Roster of Officers/staff who are dealing with the essential services
(हर काम देश के नाम)
F. No.AN/III/3012/Circular/Vol. VIII
Dated: 23.3.2020
(Through CGDA Website)
Subject : Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
In continuation of this office circular even No. dated 19.03.2020, please find enclosed a copy of DoPT OM No. F.No.11013/9/2014-Estt-(A-Ill) dated 22.03.2020 under which it was requested that Head of the Departments may draw a Roster of staff (all officers and employees including consultants/contract and outsources employees), who are required to render essential services within each Department. They only may be asked to attend office from 23rd March until 31st March 2020. In other words, the office should function with skeletal staff. Officials who are work from home should be available on telephone and electronic means of communication at all times. They should attend office if called for, in case of any exigencies of work.
2. Accordingly, all Heads of Offices/Heads of Department are requested to draw up a Roster of Officers/staff who are dealing with the essential services viz.
(i) Officers dealing with Pay and Allowances.
(ii) Budget holding Officers (including assisting staff)
(iii) Accounts and Budget
(iv) Officers/Staff of IT & S.
(v) Dealing with Pension Payments and sanction etc.
(vi) Officers/Staff dealing with Payment work.
(vii) Any other area of work as deemed essential by the Head of Department.
3. In addition to above, the following services will also be treated as essential services, therefore, the concerned offices may ensured the same
(a) Payment of Pension for the Month of March 2020.
(b) Issue of PPOs for personnel retiring on 31.3.2020 to enable first payment.
(c) Issue of PPOs in death cases.
4. It may be ensured that essential work of the office is not affected with deployment of skeletal staff.
5. The Contact Number of all Officers/Staff must be kept in record for emergent requirement.
6. The above instructions may be followed with immediate effect.
This issues with the approval of the CGDA.
(Swapnil Agrawal)
Sr. ACGDA (Admin)
Source: CGDA
Also check the following links related to this topic:
Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 – Working hours
Preventive measures to achieve ‘social distancing’ to contain the spread of COVID 19 – DOPT
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Preventive measures for Central Government Employees
Central Government Offices will function with Skeletal staff – Earlier Orders cancelled
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