7th Pay Commission Army Rules 2017 – Fixation of pay on promotion or upgradation on or after 1st day of January, 2016

7th Pay Commission Army Rules 2017 -Fixation of pay on promotion or upgradation on or after 1st day of January, 2016- Gazette Notification Ministry of Defence dated 03.05.2017
Gazette Notification for Defence regarding 7th Pay Commission Army Pay Rules 2017 – Revision of pay from a date subsequent to the 1st day of January 2016
New Delhi, the  3rd May, 2017
12.    Fixation  of  pay on  promotion  or  upgradation  on  or  after  1st  day  of January, 2016.– For the fixation of pay in case of promotion or upgradation from one Level to another in the revised pay structure one increment shall be given in the Level from which a Junior Commissioned Officer/ Other Rank is promoted or upgraded and he shall be placed at a Cell equal to the figure so arrived at in the Level of the rank to which promoted or upgraded, and if no such Cell is available in the Level to which promoted or upgraded, he shall be placed at the next higher Cell in that Level.
1. |
Level  in  the  revised  pay structure: Level 4 |
Pay Band |
5200 – 20200 |
2. |
Basic Pay in the revised pay structure: 28700 |
Grade Pay |
2000 |
2400 |
2800 |
3. |
Granted promotion/ financial upgradation in Level 5. |
Levels |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
21700 |
25500 |
29200 |
2 |
22400 |
26300 |
30100 |
4. |
Pay    after    giving    one increment in Level 4: 29600 |
3 |
23100 |
27100 |
31000 |
4 |
23800 |
27900 |
31900 |
5 |
24500 |
28700 |
32900 |
5. |
Pay in the upgraded Level i.e, Level 5 (either equal to or next  higher to  29600  in Level 5) : 30100 |
6 |
25200 |
29600 |
33900 |
7 |
26000 |
30500 |
34900 |
8 |
26800 |
31400 |
35900 |
9 |
27600 |
32300 |
37000 |
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