Defence Services Reference Page
Defence Services important Orders and Clarifications issued from time to time
- Government Revises Allowances for Civil Defence Volunteers
- Transparency measures to prevent malpractice by external parties in ECHS – Advisory on Empanelment of Healthcare Organization
- Validation of ECHS Membership of Dependents by submission Certificate and eligibility documents by Primary Beneficiaries: ECHS
- Domiciliary Medical Equipment for ECHS Beneficiaries – Executive Instructions: ECHS Order dated 12.03.2024
- Issue of Medicines to ECHS Beneficiaries on account of referral cases and Super Senior Citizens: ECHS
- Advisory/ Clarification on use of Intravitreal Injections: ECHS
- Restructuring of SPARSH Service Centers (SSCs) functioning at DPDOs – Change in Administrative and Functional Control: CGDA
- Opening of type āDā ECHS Polyclinic at Bhoranj and Gagret in Himachal Pradesh: DESW
- Request for clarification of Date of next increment under Rule 10 of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2016: CGDA
- Facilitating employment opportunities for invalidated cadets who are from their training on medical ground due to causes attributable to or aggravated by Military Training: DESW
- Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) of IDAS officers: CGDA Order
- ECHS: HR POLICY 2024 for Contractual Employees
- Guidelines for engaging outsourced contractual employee in the Field Offices DAD: CGDA
- Standard Operating Procedure: Leave Module in TULIP: PCDA
- Circulation of various Government orders/instructions issued by the Nodal Ministries: MOD
- Check list for the Submission of Immovable/Movable Property case for intimation under Rule 18 of CCS(Conduct) Rule 1964: CGDA
- Revision of Pay Scales of Draughtsman Grade II recruited between 15.09.1995 to 20.09.1999 on the basis of award of board of arbitration
- Missing Entries in GPF accumulation of Subscribers – CGDA
- Incentives for Active Sports Persons (DAD Employees) ā Provision of Kit/Uniform/Sports Gear, Training/ Practice Hour and recognition: PCDA
- Deployment of Staff to Night Duty and payment of Night Duty Allowance ā PCDA (WC)
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