Brief of National Anomaly Committee(NAC) Meeting held on 11-1-2018

Brief of National Anomaly Committee (NAC) Meeting held on 11-1-2018

One of the Member of National Anomaly Committee (NAC)  Shri. C.Shrikumar, G.S, AIDEF  has issued circular to affiliated unions regarding the outcome of the first Preliminary Meeting of National Anomaly Committee held on 11-1-2018. All the issues raised in the agenda including Minimum Pay , Date of effect of Allowances like HRA , 3% Increment at all stages, etc were discussed in the meeting. The brief of the National Anomaly committee meeting is given below


Special Circular on outcome of the National Anomaly Committee (NAC) Meeting

The Preliminary Meeting of the 7th CPC National Anomaly Committee was held today ( 11.01.2018) under the Chairmanship Of Joint Secretary (Est.) Of DOP&T. The undersigned represented AIDEF in the Meeting. In the Staff Side Meeting held today I explained about agitations going on in the Defence Establishments against the Outsourcing, Privatization, Closure, Surplus, GOCO Model etc. I requested the Leader and Secretary / Staff Side / National Council (JCM) to raise the issue in their introductory remarks especially mentioning the Food Boycott by Defence Civilian Employees today. Accordingly, the Leader and Secretary / Staff Side / National Council (JCM) raised the issue in the National Anomaly Committee meeting

I also mentioned in the meeting about the situation prevailing in the Defence Industry due to the arbitrary policy decisions being taken by the Ministry Of Defence.

Other issues raised by the Staff Side in the National Anomaly Committee Meeting

Apart from the above issue the Staff Side also raised the following issues: –

  1. The JCM Forum both at the National Level and Departmental Level has become in effective and the meetings are not taking place as per the JCM Scheme due to this issues are remaining unresolved. Therefore the JCM Forum may be activated and meetings may be held regularly.
  2. The Departments under the Government are arbitrarily taking decisions with regard to closure, out sourcing, displacement Of manpower in the name Of surplus etc without even discussing with Recognized Federations. Example of Defence Ministry and Ministry of Urban Affairs (Printing Press) etc are quoted. Necessary instructions may be issued to all the Departments to take the Staff Side in to confidence before taking any such decisions.
  3. The Staff Side has demanded for extension of the date for switching over to 7th CPC from a date on which the employee got promotion / MACP. Instruction is not yet issued on this matter. The same may be expedited.
  4. The report Of NPS Committee is not given to the Staff Side. The same may be given to the Staff Side and a meeting may also please be held with the Staff Side to discuss about the recommendation of the Committee before Govt. takes any decision.
  5. The assurance given by the Ministers with regard to review of minimum pay and fitment factor has not been implemented and the issue needs to be seriously addressed by the Govt.
    Responding to the above points the Chairman assured that the points raised by the Staff Side is noted and the concerned authorities may be informed. He further assured that the meeting of the Standing Committee and the National Council JCM would take place shortly.

We have already informed you that the DOPT has rejected 11 items proposed by the Staff Side on the plea that those items are not falling within the definition of Anomaly. Thereafter the Staff Side vide letter dated 14.12.2017 has once again resubmitted the items justifying Our position. Discussion took place today on those 11 items. After discussion the following decision were taken : –

Anomaly in computation of Minimum wage

After listening to the arguments put forth by the Staff Side the Chairman assured that the matter may be reconsidered for accepting this agenda as an Anomaly.

3% Increment in all Stages

will be discussed in the Standing Committee meeting

Remove Anomaly due to index rationalisation:

This will be discussed in the Standing Committee meeting

Minimum Pension

Since this is a demand of the Staff Side the same cannot be discussed in the National Anomaly Committee

Date of Effect of Allowances -HRA, Transport Allowance, CEA etc

This will be discussed in the Standing Committee meeting

Anomaly in the grant of DA instt. wef 1.1.2016 :

This will be further studied

Implement the recommendation on Parity in Pay Scale between Sr. Auditor/ Sr. Accountant Of IA&AD and organized Accounts with Assistant of Section Officer of CSS

A Committee Of DOPT is studying the matter. The Staff Side may wait for the decision of the Committee

Technical Supervisors of Railways:

To be discussed in the Railway Departmental Anomaly Committee

Anomaly in the assignment of replacement Of Levels Of pay in the Ministry of Defence, Railways, Mines etc in the case of Store Keepers

To be discussed in the Departmental Anomaly Committee of Ministry of Defence

Anomaly arising from the decision to reject option-I in pension fixation

This issue has to be dealt separately by the Staff Side

Parity in Pay Scales between Assistants ‘Stenographers in field/ Offices and Assistant Section Officer and Stenographers in CSS

This issue would be considered after receipt of additional information from the Staff Side.

The next meeting of the National Anomaly Committee would be convened shortly

With Greetings,
Yours Comradely,
General Secretary

Read the Signed Copy