7th Pay Commission Pay Fixation for Commissioned Officers – Lt.Colonel Pay Fixation Illustration

Indian army officers salary - Colonel

7th Pay Commission Pay Fixation for Commissioned Officers – Defence Pensioners calculation example for Lt.Colonel (Commissioned Officers)

7th Pay Commission Pay Fixation for Commissioned Officers – Worked out example for Lt.Colonel

1 Date of Retirement 07.09.1999
2 Rank Lt.Colonel
3 Qualifying Service 22/02/27
4 Scale of Pay (or Pay Band & G.P) at the time of Retirement OR Notional Pay scale as on 1.1.1986. for those retired before 1.1.1986 13500-400-17100 Rank Pay – 1600
5 Pay on retirement OR Notional pay as on 1.1.1986 for those retired before 1.1.1986 15100 (Basic Pay) + 1600 (Rank Pay) 16700
6 Pension as on 01.01.2016 before revision 32428
7 Family Pension as on 01.01.2015 before revision 19457
8 Family pension at enhanced rate as on 01.01.2016 before revision (if applicable) 32428
9 Revised pension by multiplying pre-revised pension by 2.57 83340
10 Revised family pension by multiplying pre-revised family pension by 2.57 50005
11 Revised family pension at enhanced rate by multiplying pre-revised enhanced family pension by 2.57 83340
12 Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.1996 15100 (Basic Pay) + 1600 (Rank Pay) 16700
13 Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.2006 40,890 (PIPB)+8000 (Gr Pay)+6000(MSP) Rs.54,890
14 Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.2016 128500 (PIPM)+15500(MSP) Rs.144000
15 Revised pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation 72000
16 Revised family pension w.e.f. 1.2016 as per first formulation 43200
17 Revised family pension at enhanced rate w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as our first formulation 72000
18 Revised pension payable (Higher of S.No.9 and 15 83340
19 Revised family pension payable (Higher of S.No. 10 and 16) 50005
20 Revised family pension at enhanced rate payable (Higher of S.No. 11 and 17)

Source : govtempdiary