7th Pay Commission implementation on MACP – NFIR opposes

7th Pay Commission implementation on MACP – NFIR opposes the order issued by the Govt which modifies the grading for MACP from “Good” to “Very Good”
NFIR has opposed orders issued by Govt on 7th Pay Commission implementation relating to MACP which has modified the grading for MACP from “good” to “very good”
National Federation of Indian Railways
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi – 110 055
Reacting to the news item appearing in ‘The Hindu’ of 04th October 2016 relating to the acceptance of the recommendation of 7th Central Pay Commission on Modified Assured Career Progress Scheme (MACPS) and the DoP&T OM dated 27th/28th September 2016, the General Secretary said that while the Government has wrongly accepted the recommendation, at the same time has been spreading wrong news through the media. He said that the Scheme has been existing since 1st September 2008 and is not a new scheme as claimed by the Government.
Dr.Raghavaiah further said that while accepting the 7th CPC recommendations relating to the MACP Scheme for Central Government employees, the Government has totally ignored the agreement reached with the JCM (Staff Side) on 17/07/2012 and 27/07/2012 in the Joint Committee and National Advisory Committee Meetings wherein agreement was reached to maintain the same benchmark as is applicable for filling the vacancies through promotion by selection/non-selection/fitness instead of insisting upon the benchmark ‘Very Good’ recommended by the 6th Central Pay Commission. Thereafter, the DoP&T vide OM dated 01st November 2010 and 04th October 2012 issued necessary instructions for granting MACP to the Central Government employees.
The Federation takes note that the Government while accepting the 7th CPC recommendations relating to financial upgradation under MACP Scheme to its employees has again taken U-turn and had once again fixed the benchmark ‘Very Good’ arbitrarily for granting financial upgradation mainly to deny the legitimate benefit to its employees without any dialogue with JCM (Staff Side) – the machinery setup to deal with the issues of Central Government employees which is totally unjustified.
The Federation strongly opposes the move of the Government for which communications have already been sent by the Federation twice to the Cabinet Secretary on 2nd August and 23rd August 2016 to respect the bilateral agreement reached with the JCM (Staff Side) and restore the decision given vide DoP&T OM dated 01/11/20l0 and 04/10/2012 without making any change on the settled issue.
The General Secretary, NFIR hopes that the Government would consider the above points and rectify the mistake soon duly restoring the earlier instructions of DoP&T to honor the commitment made to the Staff Side.
04th October 2016
(Dr. M.Raghavaiah)
General Secretary