7th Pay Commission implementation for Fire Fighting Staff

7th pay commission recommendations for firefighting staff

Recommendations of 7th Pay Commission for Firefighting Staff – DoPT asks for more information about the Firefighting Staff

DoPT has issued an OM requesting information from all departments to furnish details about the Firefighting Staff


Government of India

Ministry of Personnel P.G & pensions

Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi

Dated: 17th Oct., 2016


Sub: Recommendations of Seventh CPC with regard to Firefighting Staff.

The undersigned is directed to refer to para.7.7.24 of the report of 7th CPC wherein it has been recommended for drafting of Model Recruitment Rules for the Firefighting Staff of all Central Government Departments and Us with similar designation and pay structure.

2. In view of the above it is requested to furnish information on the following points:

I. Whether Firefighting Staff is existing, if yes, the hierarchy and the strength in each grade/level thereof;

II. Copy of the existing Recruitment Rules for all the levels.

III. Comments on the recommendations of 7th CPC.


(Shukdeo Sah)

Under Secretary (RR-II)

Download DoPT OM No.AB-14017/15/2016-Estt.(RR) dated 17.10.2016