Sports Quota Recruitment and out of Turn Promotion for Sports persons – Modification

Railway Sports Quota Recruitment

Railway Board Clarification on Recruitment of sports persons against Sports Quota and out-of-turn promotion

Ministry of Railways has issued Clarification/Corrigendum on Recruitment of sports persons  against Sports Quota

Railway Sports Quota Recruitment

                                    RBE No:08/2016

Clarification/Corrigendum No. 63

Government of India

Ministry of Railways

 (Railway Board)


New Delhi, dated  4th January 2016

The General Managers (P),

All  Zonal Railways including

CLW, DLW, ICF,  RCF, RWF, Metro Railway/Kolkata.

The CAO(R), DMW/Patiala,

The DG, RDSO/Lucknow.

Sub.   :  Recruitment of   sports persons  against Sports Quota    and out-of-turn promotion to  Railway sports persons   on sports  account-modification/changes in policy.

Ref.:  Railway Board’s policy letter No.2012/E(Sports)/4(1)/1/     Policy Clarifications   dated   18.04.2012 (RBE No.  52/2012), dated 15.06.2012 “(RBE No.71/2012), No.2012/E(Sports)/4(1)/3/0TP/DOPT dated 23.05.2013 (RBE No.50/2013) & No.2014/E(Sports)/4(1)/1/Policy Clarifications dated 22.10.2014 (RBE No.117/2014).

The Ministry of Railways(Railway Board) have decided to make the following amendments in the existing sports policy as contained in the letters. referred   to above:


(i) 4.l (m)  Notes (New Para)– of  letter no.2012/E(Sports)/4(1)/1/ Policy Clarifications doted  18.04.2012 (RBE No.52/2012).

In  team  sports,   only sports persons  who have actually played the sport  in field,  shall only be eligible. Therefore,   a sports person  who represents as member of a team in any recognized sport event/championship but has actually not played in the  field, shall not be considered for recruitment  against sports  quota.

Para 3-  of  letter No.2012/E(Sports)/4(1)/1/     Policy Clarifications
dated  15.00.2012 (RBE No. 71/2012)

Submission of certificate by the candidate for actual participation in the field of play,  In the  event under consideration for recruitment, is mandatory.

Para  stands deleted.

 Para No.9.2.6 (C) added vide letter no. 2012/E(Sports)/4(1)/3/OTP/DOPT dated 23.05.2013 (RBE No. 50/2013) and revised  vide  para (ii) of letter no.
2014/E(Sports)/4(1)/1/Policy Clarifications dated 22.10.2014 (RBE No.117/2014):

In case of a team event, a sports person  will qualify for out-of-turn promotion if he/she  has played at  least  50% of   the  matches  in the  same event


played in any match in quarter final and above in that  event.

Sports persons shall not be entitled  for out-of-turn promotion unless he/she  fulfills any one of the above two conditions.

Para   stands deleted.

(Bhaskar Roy Choudhury)

Dy. Director. Estt.(Sports)

Download Railway Board Clarification/Corrigendum No. 63 RBE No:08/2016 No.2013/E(Sports)/4(1)12/Policy, dated 04.01.2016.