7th Pay Commission benefits and Dearness Relief to Pensioners of Autonomous bodies – BPS demands

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7th Pay Commission benefits and Dearness Relief – BPS demands for extension of 7th CPC benefits and grant of Dearness relief to Pensioners of Autonomous (Statutory) Bodies under department of commerce

Bharat Pensioners’ Samaj requests for extension of 7th CPC benefits end grant of Dearness relief to Pensioners of Autonomous (Statutory) Bodies under department of commerce


(All India Federation of Pensioner’s Association)

Registered No.2023 of 1962-63)

Member International Federation on Ageing. Toronto (Canada)

2/13-A-LGF Backside, Jangpura – ‘A’.

New Delhi – 110014


Dated 26.5.2017


The Honourable MOS (independent Charge)

Ministry of Commerce a. Industry GOI

Udyog Bhawan . New Delhi

(For the Kind attention of Ms N.Sitaraman)

Sub: Extension of 7th CPC benefits and grant of Dearness relief to Pensioners of Autonomous (Statutory) Bodies under department of commerce

Ref:: OM F-20016/04/2016.E.III Department of Commerce E Section Dtd 23/25 May 2017


Bharat Pensioners Samaj the largest Federation of pensioners which represent over 10 lac Civil Pensioners is shocked to read the contents of your Ministry’s Commerce department OM F-20016/04/2016.E.III Departments of Commerce E- Section Dtd 23/25 May 2017.

Madam, undersigned is directed to bring to your notice that the Pensioners of Autonomous (Statutory) Bodies under the Department of Commerce of the Ministry under your kind control have been getting CPC benefits right from 1st CPC to 6th CPC. The Pensionary benefits to these pensioners so far (upto 6th CPC) were being paid in terms of CCS(Pension) Rules. 1972 as amended from time to time along with other Autonomous Bodies, viz, CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – and Central Power Research Institute (Ministry of Power).

Undersigned beg to bring to your notice the recent OM No 5-t (428)2017-PD dated 11.05.2017 vide which all benefits of 7th CPC along with the benefit of Dearness Relief have been extended to the Pensioners/ Family pensioners of DSIR &CSIR.

In view of the above-mentioned fact OM F-20016/04/2016. E.III Department of Commerce E. Section Dtd 23/25 May 201 7 is discriminatory and thus Bharat Pensioners Samaj request you to kindly review the said OM so that the Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Autonomous (Statutory) Bodies of the Department of Commerce of the Ministry under your kind control are not discriminated against.

Thanking you in anticipation

With warm regards

Yours faithfully,

Er. S.C. Maheshwari

Source : bharat pensioner samaj

7th Pay Commission benefits and Dearness Relief to Pensioners of Autonomous bodies