Enhancement of Wage ceiling under payment of wages Act to Rs. 24000

Enhancement of Wage ceiling under payment of wages Act to Rs. 24000 – Ministry of Labour and Employment Notification

Enhancement of Wage ceiling under payment of wages Act to 24000 – Gazette Notification



New Delhi, the 28th August, 2017

S.O. 2806(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (6) of section 1 of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 ( 4 of 1936), the Central Government, on the basis of figures of the Consumer Expenditure Survey published by the National Sample Survey Organization, hereby specifies rupees twenty four thousand per month as the wages under said sub-section (6).

[F. No. S-31018/3/2007-WC]

N. K. SANTOSHI, Dy. Director General

Sub-section (6) of section 1 –

Definition [(6) This Act applies to wages payable to an employed person in respect of a a wage period if such wages for that wage period do not exceed six thousand five hundred rupees rupees twenty four thousand per month or such other higher sum which, on the basis of figures of the Consumer Expenditure Survey published by the National Sample Survey Organisation, the Central Government may, after every five years, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify.]
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