7th Pay Commission report for Chemical and Metallurgical Engineers

IRTSA request Railway Board to implement 7th CPC Report wherein Pay level recommended for Chemical & Metallurgical Engineers.

Indian Railways Technical Supervisors Association has requested Railway Board to implement 7th CPC recommendations.


(Estd. 1965,Regd. No.1329, Websitehttp://www.irtsa.net)

M. Shanmugam,
Central President, IRTSA
# 4,Sixth Street, TVS Nagar, Padi,
Chennai – 600050.
[email protected]

Harchandan Singh, General Secretary, IRTSA, C.Hq. 32, Phase 6, Mohali,
[email protected]

No:IRTSA/7th CPC/RB/2016-4


Railway Board Rail Bhawan,
New Delhi – 110 001


Sub: 7th CPC Report-Pay level recommended for Chemical & Metallurgical Engineers.

Ref: Para No 11.40.124of 7th CPC report on Chemical & Metallurgical Employees.

Chemical & Metallurgical Organization is engaged in testing and certifying of all raw materials and vital safety items like Wheels, Axles, Springs, Bogie frames and controlling production-processes in the manufacture of Rolling stocks / Coaches, thereby assuring usage of standard materials and ensuring safety of travelling public. The Railway Board Management Services has considered O&M Organisation as the back bone of entire Quality Control and preventive maintenance exercise of all Engineering departments.

Vide para11.40.124, 7th CPC recommended that, Chemical and Metallurgical Assistants should be upgraded to GP 4600, Chemical and Metallurgical Superintendents to GP 4800, and Assistant Chemist and Metallurgist to GP 5400 (PB-2).

Above recommendation is made by 7th CPC considering the direct entry qualification of Graduate in Engineering for the post of Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA). It is learnt that Railway Board may decide against the recommendations of 7th CPC quoting disturbance of existing relativities.

It is requested not to dilute the recommendations of 7th CPC on the pay level of CMA and they shall be granted pay level equal to the posts which are having the element of direct entry qualification with Graduate in Engineering.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully,



Central President

Download IRTSA letter No:IRTSA/7th CPC/RB/2016-4 dated 25.01.2016